Exchanges and Returns Policy


Although we cannot exchange your product, you can return it and get your money back to make another purchase . If you have an open complaint, You can arrange with the seller the possibility of exchanging the product.

We have developed an exchange and return policy, based on the consumer code.

Withdrawal or regret only occurs when the purchase is made outside the commercial establishment. In this case, the consumer must express their interest in canceling the purchase within a period of up to 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of receipt of the product; If the deadline is not respected, you will be subject to loss of the right to withdraw.

To return the product, it must be in excellent condition, with no signs of inappropriate use or physical damage (e.g.: dents, scratches, oxidation, mischaracterization of the purchased item, burnt component, use of an inauthentic accessory). Remembering: It is mandatory to return the product with its original packaging. Returns will only be accepted, for any reason, when the product packaging is returned without any damage/damage.

The exchange will be subject to the availability of the product in stock. If the product is not in stock, you can choose one of the following alternatives:

- Choose another product, paying or receiving back the difference in values, if any; or receive a refund of the amount paid. In addition, the customer can opt for store credit, using it on new purchases.

Cancellation must be informed via email and our team will guide you on how to proceed.

After receiving the respective product(s) at our address we will analyze it, if it is within the return rules we will get back in touch so we can resolve what happened.

The refunded amount refers to the amount paid on the returned product(s), that is, taking into account any discounts and/or promotions current on the website.

The amounts will be refunded, in full or in part, using the same payment method chosen when purchasing:

Credit Card: The card administrator will be notified and the refund will occur according to the deadline stated in your card administrator's policy. The deadline and reimbursement procedure for the customer depends on the card administrator's policy, which may be on the next or subsequent invoice.

Bank Slip: if payment has not yet been made, the slip may be disregarded and its cancellation requested by SAC. However, if the invoice has already been paid, the refund will be made by bank deposit within 15 working days, after the request, which can be in the buyer's current account (15 day period) or savings account (15 day period). ), who must be the holder.

An Available Electronic Transfer (TED) fee of R$5.00 will be charged on each refund made by bank deposit.

For more information, contact SAC.

You must send your banking details in the email, such as account, branch, bank, CPF, full name of the account holder, so that we can speed up the entire process.

Attention: We are exempt from the obligation to respond to requests for exchange or return of any product returned without communication to customer service, after the deadline or with missing items/accessories that accompany it.

Note: If you cancel your purchase after the invoice has been issued, contact us via SAC email and then refuse delivery of the product. After returning the merchandise to our Distribution Center, we will process the refund using the same payment method and the total amount paid for the purchase.

Remembering: No return made without authorization from the company will be considered. Therefore, no product that enters logistics will be returned or the customer will have a refund made.


1. Definition of Product Defects

1.1 Manufacturing Defect

A manufacturing defect is a flaw that is already present in the product at the time of purchase, caused by flaws in the production process, assembly or defective material. Examples include:

  • Electronic components that do not work from the first use
  • Missing or poorly fitted parts
  • Failures in sewing clothes

Identification: These defects are generally noticed immediately or during the first use of the product.

1.2 Defect arising from use

A defect arising from use is a problem that arises after a period of use, due to natural wear and tear, inappropriate use or lack of adequate maintenance. Examples include:

  • Wear of parts over time
  • Damage from improper use (such as drops or exposure to adverse conditions)
  • Deterioration due to lack of maintenance

Identification: These defects appear after some time of use and are influenced by the intensity and conditions of use of the product.

2. Complaints Procedures

2.1 Manufacturing Defect Claim

If you identify a manufacturing defect, please follow these steps:

  • Contact our customer service within the specified warranty period.
  • Provide a detailed description of the defect and, if possible, photos or videos of the problem.
  • Send the product with the original packaging and invoice for evaluation.

After the evaluation, if we confirm the manufacturing defect, we will replace the product or refund, according to our warranty policy.

2.2 Defect Claim Arising from Use

For problems that arise after using the product:

  • Check whether the defect is covered by our warranty.
  • Contact our customer service for repair advice or technical assistance.

Note that defects resulting from improper use, natural wear and tear or lack of maintenance may not be covered by the warranty.

3. Limitations and Exclusions

Our warranty does not cover defects arising from:

  • Inappropriate or abusive use
  • Lack of adequate maintenance
  • Changes or repairs made by unauthorized third parties
  • Natural wear of the product

If the purchased product presents a Defect resulting from use (wear and tear), repair or replacement will be carried out with another equal to the one described in your order, according to the following conditions:

Within 90 (ninety) days of the product delivery date, you must contact our Customer Service Channel, via the contact email with the subject: “Defect Arising from Use”.

Definition : These are problems that arise after a period of use, resulting from natural wear and tear, misuse, or lack of adequate maintenance.

Examples : Parts that wear out over time, problems due to inappropriate use, such as falling or exposure to adverse conditions not recommended by the manufacturer.

After a period of 90 days (from receipt), you must contact the Customer Service Center to obtain further information and instructions.

We ask that you send a photo of the defective/incorrect product in advance so that our team can analyze your case and speed up service.

Products with burnt/sticky/modified/adverse to the factory original food due to improper handling by the customer will not be accepted.

After receiving the respective email, we will contact the customer again to inform the procedure that must be taken.

The process for returning defective products takes place based on the company's internal procedures.

Will I have to pay for the first exchange or return?

Exchanges made within 7 days of receipt must contact the company's SAC to obtain more information.

If you are outside of 7 days after receiving the product, you will have to pay the shipping cost for exchanging the product.


When requesting an exchange, it is possible to receive an Exchange Voucher for the same amount paid at the time of purchase, if you do not have any product that interests you at the time.

After the Exchange Voucher is released, you will receive an email informing you of the number. From that moment on, it will be possible to view and unlock the voucher.

the voucher expires one year after the date of receipt;
the voucher is identified with the buyer's CPF, which prevents use by third parties;
If the value of the voucher is less than the value of the new purchase, you can pay the difference with a credit card or bank slip;
If the value of the voucher is greater than the purchase price, you can use the difference on other purchases, as we do not refund amounts after 7 days of receiving the product;
If the purchase was paid in full with the voucher, payment confirmation occurs within 2 (two) calendar days.

Frequently Asked Questions about Our Exchanges and Returns Policy

1. How does the exchange or return process work due to dissatisfaction?

  • If you are not satisfied with your product, you have up to 7 days after receipt to let us know. You can choose to exchange the product for another in our stock or receive a refund of the purchase price. Make sure to return the product in the same condition as you received it, including the original Post Office packaging with the label.

2. What should I do in case of a defective product?

  • If the product has manufacturing defects, you have up to 30 days after receipt to contact us. To activate the warranty, send us a video and photos that demonstrate the defect showing the problem, including the original packaging of the product in the video.
  • For defects such as: product with damaged glass or display, apparent scratches, missing parts, the customer has the right to activate the warranty if contacted within a maximum of 24 hours after receipt, and always send images and videos of the package received. If the customer contacts us after 24 hours, it will be considered that the problem was caused by misuse

3. What is not covered by the warranty?

  • Our warranty does not cover cosmetic damage occurring after purchase, such as broken screens. Additionally, we do not cover liquid damage or repair attempts by you or others.

4. How long does it take to process an exchange or return?

  • Our team will do our best to process your exchange or return request as quickly as possible after receiving the returned product. We will contact you to guide you through the options available.

5. Who pays return shipping?

  • Shipping costs for returning the product due to manufacturing defects are the responsibility of our company. For returns due to dissatisfaction, the customer is responsible for shipping the product back to us.

6. How do I contact the Customer Service team?

  • You can contact our Customer Service team through the contact channels provided on our website or on the contact page. We are here to help you and answer all your questions.

7. What is the warranty offered on your products?

  • All products in our store have a 30-day guarantee from the date of receipt. During this time, we ensure that your product works as expected.

We hope these answers help answer any questions you may have about our returns and exchanges policy. If you require further information or additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We're here to make your shopping experience with us as easy and enjoyable as possible!